Raptor Research and Management Techniques


Edited by David M. Bird and Keith L. Bildstein Raptor Research and Management Techniques is the much anticipated and thoroughly updated version of the popular but lo..

Raptor Research and Management Techniques

Edited by David M. Bird and Keith L. Bildstein Raptor Research and Management Techniques is the much anticipated and thoroughly updated version of the popular but long out of print Raptor Management Techniques Manual. Produced by the Raptor research foundation, this is a comprehensive work designed for use by raptor researchers and conservationists and natural-resource managers around the world. This book has the most up to date information needed for field and laboratory techniques and management tools. Some of the items covered include information on the energetics, physiology, pathology and toxicology of raptors also population monitoring at watch sites, captive breeding and rehabilitation. This book will help speed improvement in techniques and help those who study and manage birds to better protect them.

5127 Soft cover book. 464 pages, 66 photos, 47 illustrations.


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