Mike’s Falconry Supplies has been providing quality falconry equipment to the falconry community and raptor enthusiast for over 25 years. We offer great customer service and guarantee quick shipment time and stand behind all of our products 100%. Over the past 25 years we have worked with many species of raptors. We have worked with zoos, rehabilitators, educators and falconers to make all types of custom falconry equipment. Custom designed falconry equipment and custom orders are our specialty. We have made custom equipment for, eagles, owls, vultures, crows, parrots and even geese.
I have been an active falconer and member of the North American Falconers Association for over twenty-five years. I have also been a breeder of captive breed Harris hawks for over 25 years. Each year it seems that there is another new design or way to make falconry equipment. We will be adding new items to our website throughout the coming year. We will also be working hard to make any improvements to our products to make them better. If we don’t have what you are looking for let us know and we will try and get it for you.
For your birds of prey needs call on us, we gladly accept purchase orders with established businesses. We will also accept all major credit card payments worldwide. Your payments can be paid on-line through our full service shopping cart, Pay Pal or off line, by Phone, fax or via flat mail.You can find us on the web 24 hours a day at www.mikesfalconry.com. We hope that you enjoy our new website and we look forward to hearing your comments. Please contact us via e-mail or phone.
Have a great falconry year.
- Mike w/ male Harris hawk “Blaze” & English Springer Spaniel “Rudi” at Oregon’s fall hunting meet in Burns Oregon.
- Mike holding a newly trapped Female Red tail hawk.
- Mike Syring with 2016 F/Harris and dog Rudi.
- Jan Syring Vice President and Office manager.
- Matt Syring Production and Warehouse manager.