Braided Dacron removable anklets comes in pairs only to fit most birds


These Dacron anklets are very soft to the feel and are also weather resistant and blood and dirt wash off very easily. We offer these now in 6 sizes to fit most birds.

Sold in pairs only.


SKU: dr1 Category:

Braided Dacron removable anklets comes in pairs only to fit most birds.


We are now offer braided Dacron removable anklets. We have been testing these on many hawks and falcons for many years now and they have worked very well. They work the same way as a leather removable anklet does except these anklets are much nicer fitting around the leg and not so cumbersome. These Dacron anklets are very soft to the feel and are also weather resistant and blood and dirt wash off very easily. We offer these now in 6 sizes to fit most birds.

DR0 Extra Small – Braided Dacron removable anklets for M/F Kestrels size birds.
DR1 Small – Dacron removable anklets for Merlin, Sharp-shin size birds.
DR2 Medium – Braided Dacron removable anklets for F/Coopers up to M/Peregrine
falcon size birds.

DR3 Large – Braided Dacron removable anklets for F/Barbary to F/ Peregrine size birds.

DR4 X- Large – Dacron removable anklets for M/Gyr, F/Male W/RT, F/ Harris hawk size birds.
DR5 XX- Large – Dacron removable anklets for F/Gyr to E- F/Red tail size birds.
DR6 XXX large – Dacron removable anklets for Male or Female Eagle owl size birds.

Anklet color comes only in our white and green. Anklets can be taken off and washed very easily to clean them.


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